作者:     更新日期: 2020-04-17     访问次数: 375


Miss. Song, 7 years old, Female


General Information



Chief Complaint

The parents reported their child’s right eye gradually protopsis for 2 month and post-operative of right eye melanocytoma for one and a half years.





Medical History

Present history: One and a half years ago, the patient underwent conjunctival neoplasm resection of right eye in other hospital. The pathology diagnosis was melanocytoma. The tumor recurred six months ago and was removed.  The pathology diagnosis still was melanocytoma. The exophthalmos of right eye appeared 2 months ago without inducement, and the symptom aggravated gradually. At the meantime, the right eye presented with tearing, blurred vision, redness and ophthalmalgia. So the child was admitted to the hospital for further treatment options.

Past medical historyThe child was born with black skin around her right eye.

Personal and family history is unremarkable.


右眼:远视力0.05,矫正无提高,眼压T+1,眼球突出,眼突度24- 94-14 mm,黑色素沉着,范围全部上下眼睑。眶压(+++),眼球运动各方向均受限,提上睑肌肌力4mm,眼睑闭合可,眶下方可触及中等硬度肿物,边界不清,不可推动,颞侧球结膜高度水肿,部分突出于睑裂,突出睑裂球结膜出现糜烂,结膜可见色素沉着,鼻侧结膜瘢痕,角膜上皮粗糙,前房深,虹膜纹理清,瞳孔圆,对光反射存,晶状体透明,眼底:视乳头边清色可,后极部球壁隆起,视网膜皱褶,黄斑区中心凹反光未见,视网膜在位。



Ocular examination

Right eye: VA was 0.05, which can not be corrected. IOP was T+1 by finger touch. The eye presented with exophthalmus (24- 94-14 mm), eyelid skin melanin pigmentation.High intraorbital pressure (+++),limitation of ocular movements. Myodynamia of levator palpabrae muscle was 4mm. Normal catamysis. There was a palpable medium hardness tumor at the infraborbital area. The tumor was stable and it’s boundary was not clear. Severe temporal conjunctiva chemosis drove part of the conjunctiva prolapse, erosion and pigmentation. There was scar on nasal conjunctiva. Rough corneal epithelium , deep anterior chamber, normal pupil, transparent crystalline lens can be found. Retinal protuberance and retina fold were seen in the fundus.

Cervical lymph nodes, thoracic and abdominal examination showed no abnormalities.

Left eye: BCVA was 1.0. IOP was 13.5mmHg

There is no abnormality in left eye.


Accessory Examinations



MRI suggested right orbit was space occupying lesion, showed low signal intensities on T1WI and high singal intensitiesT2WI.

Color Doppler showed space occupying lesion in right orbit. The eyeball was displaced significantly. Tumor showed rich blood flow signal.





Space occupying lesion in right conjunctiva and orbit.

Divided nevus in right eyelid.


Treatment and outcome


All lesions were treated by simple excision and combined with eye socket reconstructionunder general anesthesia. The pathology diagnosis was intradermal nevus of right eye lid and malignant melanoma of right orbit, which had invaded skeletal muscle and conjunctiva.




Dr Liu Feng: It is well known that melanoma is malignant tumor. So tumor resection is necessary. Since the tumor recurred twice, I recommenden to perform orbital exenteration as soon as possible in order to decrease the opportunity of tumor metastasis.


Dr. Liu Shu-Ying:I agreed with Dr.Liu. But whether the intradermal nevus of right eyelid would be removed or not, we should made further discussion.


Doctor He Yan-Jin: The management of conjunctival melanoma varies with the extent of the lesion. When lesions extend into the orbit, orbital exenteration was required. About the intradermal nevus, in my opinion, it is not necessary to remove it, because malignant transformation barely happened in this type of nevus.Furthermore, the patient has to accept skin graft if we remove the eyelid tumor. But the patient was too young to get enough skin graft. Therefore, I suggestedpreserving the eyelid skin. Talk to the parents with a detailed description of the condition so that obtain the parents understand. We should avoid hemorrhage and iatrogenic cerebrospinal fluid leakage during the operation.


Treatment and outcome


In August 28, 2012, the patient underwent right orbital exenteration under  general anesthesia. The postoperative pathology diagnosis was conjunctival compound nevus, conjunctiva and orbit melanoma and intradermal nevus of right eyelid. Postoperative physical conditions of the patient were stable. Chemotherapy will be administrated three weeks later.


Relative knowledge



Conjunctival malignant melanoma is a potentially deadly tumor. The overall mortality rate from conjunctival melanoma is about 25%. Conjunctival melanoma is mainly originated from the conjunctival primary acquired melanosis or nevus, mostly belong to epithelioid cell type, present with adjacent conjunctival epithelial invasion. Typically, metastases first develop in submandibular and parotid lymph nodes. Unfavorable prognostic factors are conjunctival site, orbital or scleral invasion, full-thickness intraepithelial spread, and involvement of the eyelid skin margin. Once diagnosed, operation is the first choice, but the postoperative recurrence is common, especially in larger scope of tumor.

One research found surgical technique of tumor management maybe possibly related to tumor metastases and death. Amelanotic malignant melanoma is often associated with a poorer prognosis. The lack of pigmentation makes clinical diagnosis virtually impossible, and diagnosis can only be established histopathologically. Awareness of this nonpigmented variety of melanoma is crucial for early recognition and appropriate management.