Zhuoyu Sun Lecturer

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Zhuoyu Sun Lecturer

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Email sunzhuoyu@tmu.edu.cn


Dr. Zhuoyu Sun, PhD, obtained her PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McGill University, Canada; and currently employed by Tianjin Medical University at Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Research areas are cancer epidemiology and nutritional epidemiology. Recently received grants of Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China. She has published ≥10 publications in international academic journals, such as American Journal of Epidemiology and Gynecology Oncology.


Research direction

Cancer epidemiology, Nutritional epidemiology.



20002005, Bachelor Degree in Public Health, Tianjin Medical

           University, Tianjin, China.         

20062009, Master Degree in Nutrition, Tianjin Medical University,  

           Tianjin, China.

20072010, Master Degree in Community Health and Humanities,

           Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s,

           Newfoundland, Canada.

20102017, Doctoral Degree in Epidemiology, McGill University,

           Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Professional Experience

2017NowLecturer, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,

            Tianjin Medical University.

20112016Teaching assistant, Department of Epidemiology and

            Biostatistics, McGill university, Montreal, Quebec,  


20102012Research assistant, Research Institute of the McGill

            University Health Centre, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

20072010Research assistant, Memorial University of Newfoundland,

            St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.


1.Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin, China, Principal Investigator, Title: Incidence, risk factors and prediction algorithms for depression in cervical cancer patients, number: 18JCYBJC42800, RMB 100,000, 2018.10-2021.09.

2.Fonds de researche du Québec-Santé, FRQS doctoral fellowship, Principal Investigator, Title: Non-participation in clinical research: barriers, motivators and recruitment strategies in an ovarian cancer study), number: 27760,  CAD$70,000 (RMB350,000),  20132016.

3.Research Institute of McGill University Health Center, RI MUHC doctoral fellowship, Principal Investigator, Title: Prevalence, predictors and impact of psychological distress in rectal cancer, CAD$20,000 (RMB100,000), 20122013

4.Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research, NLCAHR fellowship, PI: Peizhong Wang, Title: Dietary factors and microsatellite instability in sporadic colorectal cancer, CAD $36,000 (RMB180,000), 20072009


1.Sun Z#*, Gilbert L, Ciampi A and Basso O. Recruitment challenges in clinical cancer research: Survey of potential participants in a diagnostic study of ovarian cancer. Gynecologic Oncology. 2017, 146(3):470-6.

2.Sun Z#*, Gilbert L, Ciampi A, Kaufman J and Basso O. Estimating the prevalence of ovarian cancer symptoms in women aged 50 years or older: problems and possibilities. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2016, 184(9): 670~680.

3.Sun Z#, Liu L#, Wang PP, Roebothan B, Zhao J, Dicks E, Cotterchio M, Buehler S, Campbell PT, McLaughlin JR and Parfrey PS*. Association of total energy intake and macronutrient consumption with colorectal cancer risk: results from a large population-based case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario, Canada. Nutrition Journal, 2012, 11(18).

4.Sun Z#, Zhu Y#, Wang PP, Roebothan B, Zhao J, Zhao J, Dicks E, Cotterchio M, Buehler S, Campbell PT, McLaughlin JR and Parfrey PS*. Reported intake of selected micronutrients and risk of colorectal cancer: results from a large population-based case-control study in Newfoundland, Labrador and Ontario, Canada. Anticancer Research, 2012, 32(2):687-696.

5.Sun Z#, Wang PP, Roebothan B, Cotterchio M, Green R, Buehler S, Zhao J, Squires J, Zhao J, Zhu Y, Dicks E, Campbell PT, Mclaughlin JR and Parfrey PS*. Calcium and vitamin D and risk of colorectal cancer: results from a large population-based case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontario. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 2011, 102(5):382-389.

6.Sun Z#, Xiong H, Kearney A, Zhang J, Liu W, Huang G and Wang PP*. Breast cancer screening among Asian immigra nt women in Canada. Cancer Epidemiology, 2010, 34(1):73-78.

7.Sun Z#, Xiong H, Zhang X, Huang G, Wang P*. Health status and associated factors of Asian immigrants in CanadaChinese Journal of Epidemiology, 2009, 4(30), 360-364.

8.Zinszer K, Verman AD, Charland K, Brewer T, Brownstein JS, Sun Z and Buckeridge D*. A scoping review of malaria forecasting: past work andfuture directions. BMJ Open.2012, 2(6).

9.Rawson JB, Sun Z, Dicks E, Daftary D, Parfrey PS, Green RC, Gallinger S, McLaughlin J, Wang PP, Knight J and Bapat B*. Vitamin D Intake is negatively associated with promoter methylation of the wnt antagonist gene DKK1 in a large group of colorectal cancer patients. Nutrition and Cancer, 2012, 64: 919-928.

10.Zhao J, Zhu Y, Wang PP, West R, Buehler S, Sun Z, Squires J, Roebothan B, McLaughlin JR, Campbell PT and Parfrey PS*. Interaction between alcohol drinking and obesity in relation to colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. BMC Public Health, 2012, 12(1):94.


Membership of Academic Society

Tianjin Heart disease association



2016 GREAT Award for SER (Society for Epidemiologic Research) conference

2012 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-funded Students Abroad