The Department of Toxicology and Sanitary Chemistry, School of Public Health, Tianjin Medical University, was established in 2018. The current director of the teaching and research section is Professor Zhong-zhe Fang. Its predecessor was the Department of Toxicology and the Department of Sanitary Chemistry, which were established in 1984 and 1980, respectively. Under the leadership of Professor Fang, the department has achieved outstanding results in teacher construction, education and teaching, scientific research and personnel training.

The department has a team of young and middle-aged teachers with high academic level, good style of study and reasonable structure. There are 7 full-time teachers, including 1 professor, 3 associate professors and 3 lecturers. One doctoral supervisor and two master supervisor. Among them, there are 6 doctorates and 1 master's degree.At present, there are 1 Tianjin Distinguished Professors, 1 Tianjin Innovation Promotion Program Leading Talents, 1 7. 

Innovative Talent Development Programe for Young Middle-aged innovative talent of Tianjin Colleges, and 1 Excellent talent PI of Tianjin Medical University. There are 1 member of the board of directors of the first-level society, 7 vice-chairmen/members of the second-level society and 1 member of the toxicology branch of Tianjin Preventive Medical Association.

The Department of Toxicology and Sanitary Chemistry undertakes the core courses of hygienic toxicology, hygienic toxicology, hygienic chemistry, hygienic chemistry, hygienic microbiology, epidemic prevention technology, modern instrumental analysis, histology and clinical medicine, treatment and prevention of common toxic poisoning, self-rescue and mutual rescue in emergencies, household chemicals and human health. And other undergraduate elective courses, as well as common poisoning and treatment, emergency management of public health emergencies two postgraduate courses. In recent years, four textbooks and treatises have been compiled, and the fourth edition of Health Chemistry has won the first prize of excellent textbooks of the Ministry of Education. Three teaching reform projects have been approved.

The main research direction of the teaching and research section is metabolic toxicology. The toxicity mechanism of exogenous substances is comprehensively analyzed from three aspects: toxic substance basis, dose-toxicity relationship and metabolic small molecule toxicity signal pathway.Metabolic toxicology subdivision specifically includes the following four research areas: 1) in vitro metabolic toxicology studies; 2) establishment of new methods for metabolic toxicology evaluation; 3) functional metabolic toxicology; 4) population toxicological metabolic epidemiological studies. In recent years, the department has undertaken a number of national and provincial projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, major projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Tianjin Thousand Talents Program Experts and the Tianjin Science and Technology Commission Project. It has published more than 100 SCI papers and won two provincial and ministerial awards for scientific research. Four national invention patents have been granted.

The department implements the idea of teaching and educating people into the whole process of talent cultivation, focusing on cultivating students' innovative thinking and practical ability. So far, a total of 16 postgraduates have been trained, including 8 graduate students. 1 doctoral student is reading.



Teaching staff